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Yoofly olivier nicolet parapente biplace en suiss romande chamrey moléson suisse  pilote fsvl plieur secours
Olivier Nicolet guide de haute montagne parapente biplace carmey moléson gruyère
Team pilote BGD
Pilot qualified by the Swiss paragliding federation
Swiss UIAGM Mountainguide 
Service photos

30 CHF

We Gonna shoot around 50 pictures and 3 videos per flight and you are free tu get them into you cell phone directly at the landing field  


+41 (0) 79 324 05 46
+41 (0)79 734 08 76  
Send us an Email.
yoofly parapent suisse romade gruyère chamrey moléson


Yoofly parapente Gruyère

Chemin du camping 20 
1667 Enney


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