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Our tandem flights

Here you gonna find all kind of paraglinding tandem flight, classic in summer, WInter flights, hike and fly  

We will take you to heaven over the swiss Alps. Come and fly with us.

Fro the gruyère area we mostly fly over Grandvillard but also Moléson et Charmey!

for Gstaad and Rougemont it is from Rodomont and Wispile.

We also fly from the Diablerets, Glacier 3000 for the biggest fly.

Come and enjoy a crazy flight with us.

Vol en parapente en gruyère, gstaad, Lenk

Flight over your ski resort Tandem paraglider with or without ski

Choose a flight

From 150 CHF

hike and fly en gruyère vol parapente et randonée Gruyère

Hike and fly in the Swiss Alps

The best tandem experience in your life!

Hike up fly down!

From 320 CHF

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